Posts by thebaker
Comic 329 – It’s an offer you can’t refuse
Hellows my cookies! In response to grumpy wolf in the commentspreviously, I’m uploading this one early.Just trying the best I can 🙁 So, answer me this, What kinda offers wouldthe characters never refuse? PS: Anything you would LOVE to see for a500 upload special?
Read MoreComic 328 – That shame
Hellows my cookies! Ha Ha Ha! take that awful schedule.Making it through you like a champ!Any way, tough luck on Astrid, thepoor thing… that’s gotta sting So, answer me this, Which kind ofLycan you like seeing the most? -Dream Soldiers-Silver Fangs-Strays-Pures-Hybrids-Elites-(Others yet to see)
Read MoreComic 327 – The spoiled search
Hellows my cookies! Ah HA! I knew nobody remembered these two,but they do have a little importance, sincethey are trying to find our beloved yellowfriend… I also thought it would beinteresting to see Astrid speak to one ofher kind that is not her husband. So, answer me this, At what time can youwatch a stream…
Read MoreComic 326 – It was the principle
Hellows my cookies! Man, every time I make a stream things get weirder andfunnier every time, really should announce one with timeand have a showdown of cookies being silly… seriously,you all are a RIOT! So, answer me this, If the characters would playa video game, which one would each play?
Read MoreComic 325 – Not both ways!
Hellows and FINALLY! The super animation event in mycountry is over, and so are my specialclasses and special guest hearings…PETER LORD, oh my gosh! Anyway, I’mhere finally able to do a strip, sohappy. Sorry to keep ya waiting andflooded in fillers… So, NOW YOU ALL ARE CRITICS!if you should write a reviewon this web series,…
Read MoreComic 324 – Judgement upon a child
Hellows and sorry my cookies! Yeah, no filler today… damn, but let me explain,Today I had a special class brought on by a SUPERanimation event done in my country. They were acouple of animators from Vancouver… and I wasgonna just go home and do the strip… but then,they mentioned that the drawing we made that…
Read MoreComic 323 – Blood Bind
Hellows my cookies! Sorry if this one had a very short stream,but I’m very pressured by my schedule, andI think I’ll change the upload days to Saturdayand Tuesdays… maybe, for now I think it makessense… I’m working on it… directing theKonsuelo project ain’t easy… But I will riseto the occasion 🙂 So, answer me this,…
Read MoreComic 322 – Slight piece of information
Hellows my cookies! Woo Hoo! Yuss, a strip, I just love doingthem :,) Now a days, they are my breaks.And with the stream of new cookies comingin due to Dr Mad’s donation, I just feelall the more proud to keep doing this 🙂Your comments are all I get in return. So, answer me this, Pervy’s…
Read MoreComic 321 – A succubus Kiss
Hellows my cookies! Well, here it is, sorry forpostponing it… but even doingit today was a hard thing to do…I just hardly get a break now adays. But It feels nice to beable to do this non the less So, answer me this, How good atdancing would the characters be?
Read MoreComic 320 – No kisses
Hellows my cookies! I’ll let you know, this strip was a toughone to squeeze in with my schedule… a lotof 3D things I’m not fond of doing… callme an old mop, but I love 2D so much. Thefreedom it gives, the tricks you can use totrick the eye with it’s animation… I justlove how much…
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