Comic 455 – Gotta go slowly
Hellows my cookies! We all know Nelly is a “bit” of a hot head, but if you want something real bad, one has to take a breather and try to reach a middle point. So, answer me this, in times of peril, what is your advise?
Read MoreComic 454 – Taken fortune chance
Hellows my cookies! As a person who forgets or loses focus easily, if Francis changed the subject on me like this, I would completely lose my mind! So, answer me this, What steals your attention?
Read MoreComic 453 – Snoofed snores
Hellows my cookies! Well, once you get lucky once, don’t push it further. If things go badly, don’t be afraid to cut your loses and bail! So, answer me this, What is the worst conversation breaker?
Read MoreComic 452 – Remembrance
Hellows my cookies! Being reminded of loved ones long gone is never easy. Sure we can learn to let them go and remember them fondly, but deep down, missing them will never stop hurting. So, answer me this, What does FFC remind you of?
Read MoreComic 451 – Brains and brawn
Hellows my cookies! Nelly works with high tech machines and pretty much is the only one who knows how the freezing machine in her factory works… She has brains, brains to put 2 and 2 together. She ain’t only brawn 😉 So, answer me this, Would Pituka and Nelly make a good buddy cop duo?
Read MoreComic 450 – Limits of having humanity
Hellows my cookies! I feel bad for all the punishment Francis is getting, but I suppose that as a veteran pain is an old friend… At least Nelly isn’t her usual self, so maybe they don’t hurt as much as the Dreamie’s punches. So, answer me this, Which is the most painful thing you have…
Read MoreComic 449 – Undeserved apology
Hellows my cookies! Indeed, as mentioned by Tammy before, Francis is indeed the one that started the revolt that lead to the “Iron duo” death, better known as Nelly’s parents. So, answer me this, What kind of characters you like best, small ones or large ones?
Read MoreComic 448 – Seal the deal
Hellows my cookies! ta know, this is a very rare page for me to do, it has no writing in it, just body language to say what is going on, I am quite proud of this comic for it :3 So, answer me this, Do you see greatness in this deal?
Read MoreComic 447 – A costly friend
Hellows my cookies! “Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.” So, answer me this, What is friendship to you?
Read MoreComic 446 – Snake charmer part 3
Hellows my cookies! Not today Hos, you might think that good looks and confidence is the key, but sometimes, if you don’t really believe in it yourself and it’s all for show, people will eventually start seeing through you So, answer me this, when determination fails, what else is there?
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