856 – Panic Squat

856 – Panic Squat

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Before you ask, yes, the panic squat has a purpose, trust me.

So, answer me this, With little time to act, How would you do to save Luna?


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Thicc thighs save lives XD

Actually, if anyone is to blame it’s definitely not you Nelly, but playing the blame game is going to help no one. What’s squatting going to do Nelly?

What would I do to save Luna with little time?
God forgive me…. But I’m going to say what you should actually do if ever in a situation like this occurs, and that’s to share body heat through skin to skin contact in an enclosed and insulated space, yes this means in the nude if the symptoms are severe and more surface area is needed for contact… Somewhere Hos is going, I sense a disturbance in the Force! Definitely only to be done in the most extreme of circumstances and only if all other methods are ineffective or insufficient.

Last edited 6 months ago by mrguest

She’s already turning blue, indicating frostbite. That means hospital, now.
There is only one lycan we’ve (audience) been introduced to that qualifies as a mystic medic of any reliability… and then there’s Tammy……

Nelly can run across the entire lycan underground in a minute or two, so no problem getting her there.
Personally, I doubt I could make that speed, but I might try calling out psionicly while stuffing her (Luna) in my shirt for the warmth and starting the walk towards the old mans house.

Emergency Hypothermia treatment. Naked together under blankets or in sleeping bag.


Stick her in an Oven.

About time we saw some actual baking going on.

Aggressive petting haha, friction creates heat!!

Hm. “Skin to skin” has already been mentioned, but being a lycan, Nelly might need a razor to get there … speedrun to the hospital or using an oven (if the restaurant-to-be already has one installed; Pobre already did bake(?) that Pinkussomething, though) might be more workable. However, any large-ish source of warmth would qualify. I wonder whether Nellys involvement with the central heating that the lycan city IIRC has means that she knows of a steam pipe underfoot … ?