Comic 874 – Uncanny Silver

Comic 874 – Uncanny Silver

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Seems like Francis got the “point”. He is not agreeing, he just understands. Don’t get me wrong, I am very well aware that Francis is not behaving in the polite and friendly manner he usual does. There is a reason for it.

So, answer me this, What is YOUR theory as to why this is different besides what we know?


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He’s just being a jerk

Maybe he knows who the biter of Pucho is and already dislikes that person as well? Or more to the point, has been to where he saw Dante before he was bitten?

To be fair, I can somewhat understand why he’s not behaving in the polite and friendly manner he usually has. He’s being protective of his daughter even if its clouding his judgement.

He’s a father that wanted to be a father but was in prison and a fugitive. He’s finally been pulled into his daughter’s life by being discovered and he wishes to protect her from bad decisions. Being a fantasy webcomic softens the issue, but a destructive and  very dependent guy with amnesia that no one knows is a very bad choice for your daughter to be rushed into a pseudo marriage or real marriage with. Literally no one knows Dante besides Luna, and cigarette box (pucho) Dante forgot. Francis hasn’t seen the webcomic, so he hasn’t seen the good they are talking about. I’m sure he knows all about bittens. Their situation is like hiding a replacement queen from the current queen, so they need competent people. I’m sure Francis remembers what happened to his friends, the shortfangs, who were Nellys parents. He probably knows that bitten’s are like toddlers and are not useful when staging rebellions or hiding. Even Luna is afraid of Dante coming back actually. “Being a jerk” is not what is happening.
Aside: Could Hos please make some pants for Francis?
Also, great comic. I’m not trying to be mean, but it is strange to me that for all these panels Missy his holding the knife with her thumb and index fingers like she is about to drop it. I’m sure she would rather drop it than hurt him.

prob prejudice to the bitten.. which.. have we seen another bitten yet? I think we have (I been reading up to date so my memory on earlier chapters is fuzzy), but I feel like we havent really explored the bitten all that much aside from pucho..? Again correct me if I’m wrong. Also first time posting hurray!

No, iirc, we have not seen a bitten besides Pucho/Dante, because it is apparently extremely rare and Pucho/Dante is the first bitten (at least that we know of) in recent Lycan history.
Also, welcome to the cookie jar, fellow cookie! We look forward to your future posts!

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. Guest.

Didn’t let my previous comment update, so I am continuing my train of thought from my previous post. After untold numbers of encounters ending in bloodshed, Lycans went out of their way to prevent humans from ever discovering their communities, going so far to make them in remote areas where humans can’t easily reach, such as underground.
Page 242 for reference
Dante had to travel to a place called the Silver Forrest, which I believe was off limits for Dante and the rest of the Romani that Dante and Luna lived amongst, just to reach the Lycan’s territory. And the only way he reached that was based on a vague vision the Elder Romani had.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. Guest.

I see, yea adds up. Also thx! 😀 love the comic have been reading it since its earlier chapters just never written.

Has Francis been alive to see another bitten maybe? Unsure what his age is but he must be pretty old at this point in the story. Like it has been shown before he is way past his prime by now.

Couldn’t say for certain, I don’t know the average lifespans of Lycans, but if they are as long lived as they are in other works, it’s entirely possible. Definetly a question that the Baker would best be suited to answer.

Melliza… I have a feeling he believed in her and well… she let him down… and he doesn’t want the same to happen to Pituka, or something like that…

Perhaps Francis had a bad experience with Bitten in the past, giving him a compulsive dislike of them?

Hmmm… Anyone heard word from the Baker? Didn’t see anything on X (tweeter), but I’m not on Discord, so he could have posted there.