Comic 881 – Grown and new

Comic 881 – Grown and new

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

In the words of a thousand moody song writers, “love hurts”. Poor Francis might be hurt and he might be afraid of love due to past scars. However, its never too late to heal and start anew.

So, answer me this, What do you think about these two?


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I think through trials and tribulations that Missy and Francis will grow. But more importantly, Putika and Pucho will grow as well. But as they say… Things will only get worse before they get better.

Aww, she’s singing their song.
They’re cute together and so long as they have each other, they will be just fine. (At least I hope they will, we already lost old man Ciallmhar… and I don’t want to see them… you know?)

It would be amazing if those two got together. They could learn so much from each other. Keep up the amazing work!

Sometimes, it is too late.

…but not for these two. Overcoming adversity together creates strong bonds.