Comic 883 – Undead Knock

Comic 883 – Undead Knock

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

We are back with the canine duo! On their first stop to acquire another disguising hair band for Pituka as instructed before going to Sir Pen Tyne’s summon. However, seems not even Tammy is around. Where could she be?

So, answer me this, Which character interactions do you enjoy the most?


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Oh boy… I mentioned him… And now we are about to see the repercussions… We knew this was coming, about to hit us with back to back feels… And it wouldn’t surprise me if Tammy followed Luna disguised as Ciallmhar back to the Hideout.

All the interactions between the cast is enjoyable, usually. Enjoy the romance between Pituka and Pucho. The friendship between Pituka and Nelly/Hos/Luna. The awkward love situation covered up with jokes between Nelly and Hos. The developing friendship between Hos and Astrid. I could go on, but I would just be summarizing all of their relationships, and that could take us a while.

Last edited 34 minutes ago by Mr. Guest.