Comic 398 – Picky eater

Comic 398 – Picky eater

Hellows my cookies! What have I been missing all this time!? Going outside when there is a whole city underground? BONKERS! Just look at that Red Panda… THAT HAMSTER! So, answer me this, which is the smallestmammal you know about?

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Comic 397 – One over the other

Comic 397 – One over the other

Hellows my cookies! Ya know, every time I have a chance to draw new Lycan extras, I have a blast in playing with the designs, especially when they can be cookies. Who, knows, during streams cookies really help me out in making some pretty cool ideas! So, answer me this, which adorable mammal you are…

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Comic 396 – Blood in you

Comic 396 – Blood in you

Hellows my cookies! The twins, ya know, since it’s a law inPaws Den NOT to have more than one cub percouple, the only exception ARE to have twins.So, the twins are my only method of havingsibling humor in the series 🙂 SO, answer me this, Which is a funniervictim, Ulrick or Coops?

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Comic 395 – Tibetan Engineer

Comic 395 – Tibetan Engineer

Hellows my cookies! Well, It seems only Nelly knows how to shutthe freezing machine. Kinda awkward…although, she did plan to return after ashort break, she could of had a plan B, ifonly So, answer me this, Hot or Cold?

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Comic 394 – A scientific discovery

Comic 394 – A scientific discovery

Hellow my cookies! Well, it seems both sides have a pointto their discoveries! Yeah, Pucho adaptedvery nicely to his new life, maybe the catnipis responsible for that 🙂 So, answer me this, if you were in Ulrick’sposition on panel 5, what would you say orthink?

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Comic 393 – Uncle and niece

Comic 393 – Uncle and niece

Hellows my cookies! Well, It kinda sucks when you enjoy doing something kinda dangerous like Rugby or skating and someone spoils it by taking that little risk away… but most of the time they do so cause they care for you 🙂 So, answer me this, If you could invent a spell with a silly…

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Comic 392 – Too many dramatic effects

Comic 392 – Too many dramatic effects

Hellows my cookies! Well, no matter how wise, no matter how legendary. All masterminds fell in love with their professions one way or the other So, answer me this, What is your little humble favorite thing to do? No matter how silly

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Comic 391 – The tainted one

Comic 391 – The tainted one

Hellows my cookies! I have to say, this strip took for EVER to make. So much magic, such lights… and I can’t wait to read what are the conclusions on these observations on what is wrong with Pucho So, answer me this, Which is your favorite little detail about FFC?

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Comic 390 – It’s the heart

Comic 390 – It’s the heart

Hellows my cookies! Well, seems like at LAST a properprofessional is looking into Pucho’ssample… What secrets lie within, whatschemes are happening in there? So, answer me this, Which type ofevents you like looking at the most inseries, events that involve machinery orMagic?

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Comic 389 – Bonding Cells

Comic 389 – Bonding Cells

Hellows my cookies! Ya know, It was a real challenge to make “cells” cute and friendly. Also, for those who are a bit direct with facts, they are “over exaggerated” demonstrations of what Ulrick is seeing the cells do. So, answer me this, which is your number onemean joke in FFC?

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