Posts by thebaker
Comic 378 – Titan Fall
Hellows my cookies, I’m BACK! With plenty of strips to go and backup tomake “Cookie Breaks” A LOT less often, Not tomention that ALL of them (98%) where removedfrom the series to give a more fresh andclean read, less of the over dramatic Bakerhere… So, glad to be back and hoping foran improved service from…
Read MoreComic 377 – Rising Star
Hellows my cookies! Well, a lot of cookies love Francis.And are curious on why does he get so muchshaming and bullying. Well, I think you’llfind that nice guys, finish last… Also, panel six, SLAM!WHO’S LONELY TONIGHT? So, answer me this, to you, whoof the characters would make thebest hero? PS: I’m going to be on…
Read MoreComic 376 – Bring in the punches
Hellows my cookies! I am on a very weird situation,either I invest my time in makingnew strips or I invest in fixingmy internet connection, which dueto my week days restrain, doesn’tlook promising for now… I want todo streams again 🙁 That aside, Which of the maincharacters make the best comedicduo in your opinion?
Read MoreComic 375 – She used to
Hellows my cookies! I am so stressed to not havecool streams for ya all lately,but as all internet providers,they really don’t cooperate wellon heavy workers (or have theanimation studio bug… slight cold)So, I gonna keep trying just for you😉 Also… EPIC PELVIC THRUST! So, answer me this, What is yourfavorite unsolved FFC mystery?
Read MoreComic 374 – Not like the old days
Hellows and YES my cookies! After one and another and anotherdisaster with my moving, I finallycut my losses and prioritized my timeto give ya this Francis fight… and…is it me, or is Francis kinda huggable?I see him in panel 2 and he is kindaplushie looking So, answer me this, to which otherseries does FFC remind…
Read MoreComic 373 – Titan Assault
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, now we get to see Francis showwhy they call him “Silver Fist” Francis!A LEGEND in his time as the Queen’s rightPaw. Also, I wanna apologize in advancefor no stream on the next update on Monday.I’m moving, so I need to prep things untilthen So, answer me this, Who is you favoriteunderrated…
Read MoreComic 372 – Caught in a good book
Hellows my cookies! Wow… it seems Astrid is onlyloosing more and more points withthe group, huh? But can you blamesomeone for getting caught in agood book? So, answer me this, which would beeach of the character’s favorite books?
Read MoreComic 371 – Married Bitterness
Hellows my cookies! Heh Heh, once you get curled upwith a good book, your world tends todisappear for a while as you dive intoa world with love, adventure, mysteryand DRAMA! So, answer me this, how was yourimmersion when you first startedreading this series?
Read MoreComic 370 – The Romantic Amateur
Hellows my cookies! Why am I being so rushed on uploads?Well, my internship forces mew to rushboth strip on my free weekends. All foryou 😉 Soon enough I’ll have it all sorted,it’s gonna keep like until March, but theamount of upload times a week will remainthe same 🙂 So, answer me this, Who of the…
Read MoreComic 369 – Batty Suggestion
Hellows my cookies! Have a Batty day, now that you haveseen the well mannered but shady as the hour after having sunburns BAT! Meet Oscar,the colossal bat! what does he want, andwho might be twisted enough to be thisfiend’s employer? So, answer me this, Which is thecharacter that convinced you thiswas a series for you?
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