Posts by thebaker
Comic 348 – A splitting situation
Hellows my cookies! I aplogize for the tardiness…there are two things to blame,me artistic need to draw somethingfan artyish and my growing cold 🙁Damn, started as a dry trhough, now it’sa full blown pain in my bum!Either way, I’m resting to cure it now. So, answer me this, Who of the charactersyou think needs more…
Read MoreComic 347 – Does it look like strings to you?
Hellows my cookies! I apologise for the slight delay,but the country is having a partyand one must feel a little nationalitynow and then, but still, woke upand finished the strip the next day.Like a true champion!… or maybe Ijust like to keep promises 😛 So, answer me this, What would be each character’sfavorite drink in…
Read MoreComic 346 – Tammy’s dungeon
Hellows my cookies! OOooooh yes, what witch is not completewithout a secret HIDEOUT!? Well, she iskinda shady… and I don’t mean her eyeliner XP So, answer me this, What is the dumbest thingany of the character could do?
Read MoreComic 345 – Bravery of the wet ones
Hellows my cookies! Man, the streams are such a joy tohave. Good time, fine art (I boastreraly, so this is a first) andfantastic readers. Damn it, oneday I’ll do this for a living andthey will be for every strip,I can dream damn it! XD So, answer me this, What do youthink scares the characters themost?
Read MoreComic 344 – Dignity failure
Hellows my cookies! Well, if one thing is true about people overthemselves, is that they will never refuse acompliment or a gift to feed their ego…Just don’t let it get all the way to your lungs… So, answer me this, What is the stupidiestpun you can muster related to the series?
Read MoreComic 343 – Disgusting chap
Hellows my cookies! sorry about the delay, it seemsmy love for more complexity to theseries takes it’s toll… for drawingthese new chars are not as quickly asthe usuals… for they are more complexin desgin… but that aside, we’re backon track 😉 So, answer me this, Sir Pen Tyne…thoughts?
Read MoreComic 342 – Hyenas are tough, not clever
Hellows my cookies! Hello Hello, attention! just aslight reminder… my birthday iscoming soon, and on it, I plan tomake a special cookie break… ifcookie agree and give their permission,I will show them on that cookie breakas thanks 🙂 Birthday is September the first! So, answer me this, what birthdaygift would you give to your favoritecharacter…
Read MoreComic 341 – No smoking indoors
Hellows my cookies! If you’re interested in knowing…the strips with the hyena twins takeTWICE the time to make than a regularstrip, so, I hope you loving them Hyenatwins 😉 So, answer me this, How are you lovingthe new banner, and if so, why?
Read MoreComic 340 – Lights on and off
Hellows my cookies! I ALMOST didn’t manege to finish this strip,arrived late home and was exausted… but I pulledthrough anyway, AND had a “very” improvised stream…But had fun and chatted vocally with watchers, HADLOADS OF FUN! and cool insight on the series o.o So, answer me this, How would the maincharacter’s voices sound like?
Read MoreComic 339 – Lycans are truly special
Hellows my cookies! I’m so happy when I get free days,or no urgent assignments. So I canhave wonderful streams with yas 🙂 I hope you find the human’s perspective…interesting? So, answer me this, Who of the main charactersis more like you?
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