Posts by thebaker
Comic 319 – May I join you
Hellows my cookies! Well, I streamed this one and… I gottasay, streaming is REALLY fun. You get todraw and read comments as you do it. Andsince I already love the comments here,It was GREAT! I brought it back causeDr Mad really wanted them and aidedthe series to make is so, so THANKS πAnd also, thanks…
Read MoreComic 318 – A good night sleep
Hellows my cook… oh, wait… (reads previous Nelly hate comments) Oh my, this strip couldn’t of comeat a worse time o.o So, answer me this, the opposite of theprevious question, What about the seriesis making you the happiest?
Read MoreComic 317 – Not tonight Pervy
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, Pervy has been foiled before hecould even do anything… Pituka’sbugs are a thing to be reckoned ifused! So, answer me this, which would be themain characters favorite bugs?
Read MoreComic 316 – Snuggles fix it all
Hellows my cookies! GOOD NEWS, I WON, the KONSUELO animationidea is a GO! I will give it my all, andsince it’s my idea this time, I have moreinfluence in it’s making! So It MUST looka MILLION bucks! Also, in other news, thanksto our cookie Dr Mad, I was able to financea steady stream program. Thanks…
Read MoreComic 315 – Fix it Nelly
Hellows my cookies! Trying real hard to keep the updates going,and avoid the fillers as much as I can, butwith my new studies schedule, a change ofupdate days is in the horizon for sure. So answer me this, How would each of themain characters fix a problem?
Read MoreComic 314 – Better idea Nelly
Hellows my cookies! Well, I just thought that some would be quiteinterested how a character like “Pervy” cameto be in the possession of such a concerningitem. Also that rifle from the beginning. So, answer me this, If you could play avideogame with one of the main characters,which would it be and why?
Read MoreComic 313 – How they hurt
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, I know this strip kinda lacks humor,but it does address a question some cookieshave been pondering for a while. So I hopethis explains it a tad π PS: Thanks for waiting for this strip π So, answer me this,which of the main characters makes youfeel better the most?
Read MoreComic 312 – The face of despair
Hellows my cookies! Man, I had fun with that face, to drawsomething so disgusting is kindarefreshing, but I did dim it down a bitand didn’t go FULL horror disgusting… So, answer me this, Which eyes from themain characters you like most?
Read MoreComic 311 – Keep a secret please
Hellows my cookies! First, I want to thank all the cookies whogave their awesome feedback on the posteridea for FFC. I TOTALLY wish I could do itfor those wondering, but since I’m not inthe US, or near it. I don’t know how to sellthem there or elsewhere. ALSO, for those confused on the last strippanel,…
Read MoreComic 310 – Oh-my-Gosh!
Hellows my cookies! Well, things are going smooth, but soon enough I’ll start my studies once again, for my GRADUATION animation! If it were up tome, I would have it be an FFC animation! but… I would need funding… So, answer me this, if you could have aFFC poster, would you buy it and of…
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