Comic 730 – Sippy Missy

Comic 730 – Sippy Missy

Hi my cookies! It is a late update. I thought it was going to be a quick upgrade for the comic after I came to know how one can make their own font. Unluckily for me, it was way more complex and my stubbornness to have it ready for this page got to me. So…

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Comic 729 – Brighten roomage

Comic 729 – Brighten roomage

Hi my cookies! This page was a doozer, it may look brief yet that background, I had to design in many ways, get that disheveled yet regal look. Like temple yet not, considering it was meant for Egyptian cultists that never stayed. Had loads of fun making doodes on the moss, for you know some…

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Comic 728 – Did the twirl

Comic 728 – Did the twirl

Hi my cookies! Yes, Luna be back and radiant with more self love and faith in herself. For her to take this form and bring back her upbringing into her look seems to be a step into embracing her life in Paws Den. Luna by trade is a dancer, the darling until now has only…

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Comic 727 – Metaphorm

Comic 727 – Metaphorm

Hi my cookies! I know what you are thinking, a reference somewhere in this page. Poor Luna, having such a crisis of identity, I hope this revelation brings her some peace with herself. Also, as to why Badar stayed behind while Pucho, Pituka carried out his “favor”, Would you want to be there to ask…

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Comic 726 – Smooch Pal

Comic 726 – Smooch Pal

Hi my cookies! Okay, I got a schedule that might work, I now just gotta try it. I hope its as solid as I think it is. We’ll see soon enough 🙂Yup… this is what Seraphina told Badar, if it worked one way, it only makes sense it goes the other way. A proxy caused…

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Comic 725 – Terms of Agreement

Comic 725 – Terms of Agreement

Hi my cookies! Trying updates on Friday. Nothing official yet. Working around my new schedule to set up when I work on these. Its a work in progress for the time being. Once I have a system all good, I’ll decide if a new schedule is indeed needed or the current one just needs a…

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Comic 724 – Still Greetings

Comic 724 – Still Greetings

Hi my cookies! Still working on finding a new schedule for me to deliver these on Mondays. If I can’t find a way, I might have to do updates on Fridays. Not the best page to work on, the low key spite Hos has for Pituka breaks my heart a little, especially when I was…

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Comic 723 – Asking respectfully

Comic 723 – Asking respectfully

Hi my cookies! This page kinda special, had so much fun making those 3 panels at the end. I end up carried away with pages once I get a fun idea for its design.As for the crime joke, it only donned on me just how many crimes Pucho has committed, he has engaged in so…

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Comic 722 – Permittance

Comic 722 – Permittance

Hi my cookies! This one is very late. I have a lot of changes happening on my personal life and I need to address them. I aim to make this comic as promptly as I can plan it, although, due to current events I might have to change the update day to another one, unsure…

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Comic 721 – Self Created

Comic 721 – Self Created

Hi my cookies! A little last minute this upload. Had a lot of fun making an army of bunnies for cookies on the Discord server for Easter.What did you expect Badar? You are talking to Mister and Misses wholesome, they are so sweet they might as well reach levelsthat would be considered toxic. Hang in…

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