Comic 135 – What are we up against

Comic 135 – What are we up against

Baker Notes

Hellows my… cookies?
Is that a better way to call you
Gals and Lads? … we shall see…
ANYWAYS, this strip was done with 2
days of anticipation! cause Im goin
on a barbeque on Friday, so Im
gona be busy that day, no day to
edit any drawings… BUT on other
notes… The fandub… hmmmm Im
very busy at the moment to start it
officialy, since I still havent
done two of my current mission,
the new title layout and publicity XD
not to mention the new buttons XD
WOW I got loads to do :S but you are all
worth it ;3

SO any recordings you wanna show me
for the fandub send here to:

and as always, ENJOY!


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