Comic 720 – Brethren diversion

Comic 720 – Brethren diversion

Baker Notes

Hi my cookies!

I LOVED the comments on the previous page, such cool observations on who Dante/Pucho was and what Luna means to him as a sibling. Badar has kinda started to see patterns with Pucho and did not really think about the situation beyond looking for the person who can help him emotionally. Now… like before, lies and avoidance are putting him in even further bad situations. To my surprise, I knew how Pucho and Pituka would see the Seraphina situation, what I DID NOT know was how having them both give their advise to Badar like this, makes Pucho look like a supportive optimistic dad and Pituka like a careful protective mom.

So, answer me this, How effective do you think Pituka and Pucho would be as parents?


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