Comic 742 – Excuse us here

Comic 742 – Excuse us here

Baker Notes

Hi my cookies!

Update, I am currently moving to Pennsylvania.
Been doing my best to handle my workflow and the move at once to mixed results. I have concluded that it is best to take a break for September and resume on October. This way, I can reestablish my work station properly. Who knows, maybe sooner if all goes smoothly. I look forward to enjoy some cold weather and pleasant rain. I ask for your patience respectfully, any questions, please look at the bottom of the website and join our Discord chat, there you can reach out to me if you have any inquiries. There is also Twitter.

So, in the meantime, please answer me this, What do you think of the idea of a “sequel comic”? The idea being that the comic starts from a point like a sequel movie would. Presenting the characters and the setting as if you were a new reader and you could continue without reading the prequel necessarily. Maybe calling it “Paws Den”?

Just a thought I’ll be pondering this until I get back and I wanted to ask for your insight. Please place it here. Like always, I read every single one.


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