Comic 853 – Cryo Reverse

Comic 853 – Cryo Reverse

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Seems like her needs for knowledge has bitten her in the butt again. Magic and Tech don’t mix and this can only end one way. Magic cat and Tech cat are about to find out how their stubbornness isn’t making them any favors.

So, answer me this, How cold is too cold you reckon?


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0’c or below for your question tho

I like cold XD

Uh oh… Dang it Luna… You just had to let your curiosity get the better of you didn’t you?
Wait, did Nelly just jump in front of Luna to protect her from the blast? She knows that Luna isn’t a true Lycan, so she is trying to take the brunt of it so Luna isn’t as badly harmed. Even though all that she still cares about Luna’s safety. ❤️❤️❤️

Also, anything below 15° C is too cold for me 🥶🥶🥶.

Last edited 7 months ago by mrguest

Nelly, use thundershock! “Nelly is ignoring you. Nelly used volt tackle on posessed refrigerator.”

0 degrees Fahrenheit is too cold

Too cold for what? Can’t say that I’ve ever tried living outside in serious cold, but as far as walking from A to B with proper clothing is concerned, I have taken pretty much everything my place has ever thrown at me – which went down to -20C or thereabouts.

“Bioprene” (or “blubber”, if you prefer) FTW … until summer. :-S