Comic 854 – Dauntless Frost

Comic 854 – Dauntless Frost

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Lets not forget! Lycans are build different. Even though they are “diet” versions of the original thing, their sturdiness must not be underestimated. However, Even if stronger, Nelly is a small WRECKING ball, plus, her profession in a heating factory, she must have SOME experience with coolant. Nothing like this, but at least understands cold, lets not forget, she designed a machine with enough power to FREEZE the city for a short time.

So, answer me this, On a one on one fist fight, How would you defeat Nelly?


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Punch harder XD

Dad taught me to fight ‘smarter, not harder‘…. along with tricks he picked up from half a dozen spec ops units from around the world…… and I’d still be nervous to challenge her.
That said, Nelly is fast, strong, got good instincts, and that collar guards the simplest weakpoint, all of which renders the best strategy either sniper rifles or evasion of conflict. She might fall for a pit trap, but even that isn’t really reliable. If I had to fight, and win, hand to hand: I’d start by busting her nose, then goading her into a high strike I could turn into a judo toss towards a wall or something while she’s still off balance. I might figure something out after that, but it’s the cleanest strat I can think of while still fighting honorably.

Sorry Baker, but Nelly isn’t going to lose to a member of your human audience, at least not unless they cheat or possess powers not reveled in our world environment.

Last edited 6 months ago by Tindermane

> On a one on one fist fight, How would you defeat Nelly?

… how on Earth did I get into that in the first place!?
Um. Get beaten to a pulp, then reveal that “we’re on the same side”?

The classic frozen statue bit. But of course Nelly isn’t the sort to just remain frozen. She’s going to break free easily enough. Luna on the other hand, well, she’s probably going to need some help defrosting…

Nelly is strong however she’s also a tad bit reckless when she gets mad. So making her mad and using her own strength against her would probably be the best way to defeat her.

I’d be dead

“With a stick. While {s}he slept…”
Knight’s Tale, 2001, about facing Heath Ledger’s character in a jousting match…
Somehow feels appropriate here too…