Comic 861 – Hurt me and still

Comic 861 – Hurt me and still

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Hello my cookies!

I hope you like this page. It has been a while since I’ve had to write and re-write a page so many times. It needed to sound sad and personal. Avoiding it sounding “off” was difficult, much more, it sounding “natural” considering how complicated the subject is emotionally. The art style for the sad panels was also tricky, had many revisions. However, I chose to make it more simple, yet striking, in how brutal it looks, with a touch beauty to them. Let me know if they work :>

So, answer me this, Do you agree with Nelly’s feelings for people she never met?


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I guess

Mr. Guest.

Oh Nelly… You really do need to talk about this… It’s only going to get worse… And if you keep treating Hos like this, eventually he’s going to find someone else and you will lose him too…
Hard to say, I mean she never knew them to from any connection with them… I mean I’m sure she loves them out of pure instinct, but she’s been through Hel without them and as she has said, she had no say in matter what so ever.
