Comic 867 – Sit the grief

Comic 867 – Sit the grief

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

My perspective here is that Nelly suffers from having a small number of friends. Pituka told her to repress thinking about it and Hos is well… the problem. For her to have someone new to express herself is something she REALLY needs. Plus, it has to be VERY comforting to have a one to one with someone who isn’t towering over you.

So, answer me this, Do you prefer hugging someone smaller or taller than you?


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I perfer hugging someone fluffier than me lol

Yeah, fluffy is a major bonus. Though, as a mamas’ boy, I kinda have to say, size isn’t the important part. I was taller than mom before I got out of highschool, hell, almost before I got out of jr. high, but that never changed just how much bigger she felt when I needed the emotional support.

Fighters know you after sparing.

Merchants know you after you buy for the 2nd or 3rd time.

Lovers know you after trading their hearts with you.

Mama knows you about a month before you’re even born.

It’s not as easy as that Luna…

A hug is a hug. But too tall could be intimidating and too short could be awkward. Although I am with Feller, a fluffy hug is best.

awww! Nelly looks so CUTE here!

Preference doesn’t come into it for me. I AM tall, thus everyone I hug is small.

Last edited 3 months ago by Shadowkey392