Comic 871 – Excuse Francis
Baker Notes
Yeah, no. As we already know, Missy is a Pucho fan. She might’ve been patience and tried a nicer nudge to get Francis to stop. Considering Missy is into him, makes sense she did not jump to pulling out knives until things got THIS bad. Missy might not have the greatest experience with being a mother, but she was a teacher and she KNOWS discipline and how to get it.
So, answer me this, How would you react to being held at nose sharp point?
Francis, might want to listen to the jackal with the knife in your nostril
Lol, Papa may not approve, but mama already gave her seal of approval.You know what they say, happy mate, all is great. I was wondering if she would step in.
If you wish to keep the snoot, I would follow her and try not to sneeze…
React? Pretty much the same as Francis, keep passive and agreeable… Do whatever they ask and try my best not to sneeze…
Only one response works. “Yes Ma’am.”
Mama stepping in.
Ya ask like the knife is the worrying part here…. that glare. When the missus decides it’s time to pull the mama bear routine on papa, it doesn’t really matter what weapon she chooses, only if she wants that word before or after she skins your ass.
(If anything, the knife just reminds Francis that Missy still respects him? assuming he’s smart enough to put that bit together.)