Comic 873 – A boy a fool

Comic 873 – A boy a fool

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

On this page I spent more time being careful with the word being used. This page had to have an energy of concern, of both sides pleading for what they hold dear. It had to be raw yet soft, since in the end they both want the same and they know it.\ without having to say it. An odd choice I did was not have them “talk” at each other, but show how their expressions are when being talked at. I hope it was the right choice.

So, answer me this, I am curious, Does the age of these characters come through by their words as much as their looks?


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I still have no idea as to why Francis still hasn’t gotten any pants XD

I don’t see this ending well for Francis, Missy seems ready to hand his butt to him.

Pucho is EXACTLY what Pituka needs as a partner. he’s a good person, doesn’t give a fuck about politics, wealth or power, and IS indeed a Nobody, something that someone in hiding like Pituka needs. plus the guy is an amazing cook and the plan to keep Pituka safe is to hide her in this Restaurant. Restaurants need cooks.

Would anyone else actually be right for the job? I mean, like it or not, Pituka is still Melliza’s daughter… Others will either take advantage of that or be driven away by it. Pucho genuinely and honestly doesn’t care. Pucho is caring and supportive, something Pituka desperately needs in her life. Most importantly, he loves her… When are you going to find that in another?

Yes, their speech reflects their wisdom attained through their years of experience.

Merry Christmas Baker and my fellow Cookies! Have a good week to the Cookies that don’t celebrate.

Last edited 2 months ago by mrguest

One should face ones own faults before deigning to proclaim the faults of others.

Considering how open to interpretation that last word is: I’ll place my chips on Missy pocketing the knife(like she’d ever actually hurt him)… just before kicking Francis in the pride.

As for the talking at each other bit; I actually wish more writers n artist did this, as the expression in response is half the conversation. Considering the topic between these two, this was a fantastic choice. You, Baker, should show more confidence. You have quite a talent for this.

Their prejudices sure do…

Innereien is a direct translation. Nothing a german would say.
Eier would fit better. Translates as eggs or in this case balls.