Comic 875 – Silver Diplomat

Comic 875 – Silver Diplomat

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Happy to be back from vacation! Took me a while to shake off the rust after not drawing for a couple of weeks. I think that scenery shot of the White District was warming up enough to get a lot of it off. Reminds me of establishing shots of Asterix comics back in the day.

So, answer me this, What do you think happened BEFORE Francis showed up?


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Not much I think

So it was a matter of Melliza. Looks like the Silver Fangs were a tribal group of Lycans and were combative to the other members of the Paws Den (are they in Paws Den? It says White District, so that would imply that it is part of it, and those look like mushrooms in the first panel) Could Francis and Melliza’s marriage been a political one? Also, looks like Missy and Melliza were together from the start, which probably had the betrayal cut deep both ways.

What happened before Francis showed up? Gonna need a bit of clarification there, Baker…

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. Guest.

Francis is reliving his Tarzan days. I know a lot is implied, but what is most implied is that Francis is barely used to clothes and will never voluntarily wear pants. It had to be said. His shoulder is protected though. Just being funny and I like the update.
So, also implied that the Silver fangs were exiles for being huge, muscular, white-fured wild people; that speak German.
Sounds like some wars and some profiling happened. j/k
Maybe we will see some Silver Fang only society.
Also a thought,why does the new queen only have one guard with no weapon? Diplomacy?

She has a lot of Guards tho, look at the first panel again, all those shadows look like Dream Soldiers. And as for no weapon? You forget that the Royals have a very powerful weapon at all times, even if unarmed. An ability that forces nearly everyone within her sight to do her bidding. While it’s not perfect, she’s far from being unarmed…
Yep, he’s acutally wearing less than he is now.

never was one for pants I guess

Yeah, seems like the Silver Fangs were more of a natural state of things, sort of Lycans. Wouldn’t surprise me if there are others who actually wore nothing at all. (I don’t think Melliza could handle that tho XD XD XD)