Comic 878 – Much Bravery indeed

Comic 878 – Much Bravery indeed

Baker Notes

Not much to be said about this one, just a severe case of third wheel syndrome. Missy is just trying to do her job while her boss is flirting with the potential new hire.

So, answer me this, Who do you think aged better of these three?


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Missy hasn’t really aged I think

Francis speaks better, Missy is still protective, unsure about the Queen…

Missy doesn’t need help down, but she would still appreciate the concern.
Giant Bull Frogs, monster mushrooms and a princess and her entourage without weapons, beyond their fangs and claws, oh my…
Francis and Meliza flirting in front of Missy… Oh the irony…
Meliza: cold hearted vixen, aged the worst
Francis: Basically the same, but with a mustache. (Weird seeing him without it)
Missy: Calmer, wiser, more caring. Actually makes for a good mother at this point.
Probably Missy.

Francis: Agreed, it is weird seeing him without it.
Meliza: I am curious as to what turned her into the cold hearted vixen she becomes.
Missy: Is it odd seeing her without a damaged eye?

My guess? Power…
Wait, what? Oh dang! I totally forgot she lost an eye!!! Had to go back to even notice it, which is kinda weird, because I’m pretty sure I was the one who originally brought up the idea Missy and Miss Mutt were one and the same… Good eye (rimshot)

Last edited 27 days ago by Mr. Guest.