Comic 882 – Stay this time

Comic 882 – Stay this time

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Francis can finally stop running now. Settle down perhaps, after so long being hunted by the mistakes of the past. He stay with his loved ones in a personal matter and not stare from afar. However, he’ll have to swallow his pride and apologize first if he wishes to stay.
Francis might be a nice old guy, but he has his grudges just like any other and those are hard to unstick from yourself.

So, answer me this, Who do you think is the most misbehaved character of the bunch?


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Hos. No ifs, ands, or buts.

The defeated sigh in the last panel is brilliant. 🤣


LOL, she was not going to let him off the hook that easily.

Luna, no surprise since she’s a Daemoness, she’s got mischief in her blood. But Hos is a close second.

She looks so adorable in the second panel. I had no idea Dream Warriors could look that cute.