Comic 858 – Sweat n Stank

Comic 858 – Sweat n Stank

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

I hope this page isn’t TOO stinky. Just get some deodorizers and some scented candles and you’ll be able to read this page just fine.

On the topic of stinks, What do you think Luna and Nelly smell like usually?


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I dunno what luna smells like, but Nelly would smell sweaty XD


You can’t claim Nelly skipped leg day after this.


I’d think Nelly would usually smell a bit of oil or grease, maybe a little bit of worked metal. Luna would smell like cotton candy.

Mr. Guest.

Oh thank which ever Heavens kept Luna from leaving like that! If we lost both James Earl Jones and Luna on the same day, I couldn’t handle it.

what do they smell like?
I’m not actually sure, I would imagine that a succubus would probably smell different to everyone and would be alluring to the individual. As for Nelly, ordinarily, she would probably smell Earthy and tinged with a metallic scent.