Comic 810 – Sharp Fervor

Comic 810 – Sharp Fervor

Hello my cookies! A lot of color balancing for this one, going up and down up and down. Yeah, I suppose the joke and point of Klaus is understood at this point. Howcan a guy THAT big move around and be unseen all the time? That’s the joke, he is just THAT good. As most…

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Comic 809 – The Cookie Way

Comic 809 – The Cookie Way

Hello my cookies! I just LOVE that everyone called it! Of course a karate chop to the back of the head could be lethal, but since Hos just dived in and got hit on the back of the head… that is nothing that Hos hasn’t endured many many MANY times before and MUCH worse! Hos…

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Comic 808 – Blue Beaten

Comic 808 – Blue Beaten

Hello my cookies! Yeah… Hos stood up this time, but at what cost? So, answer me this, What do you think of Hos? (By the way, Link to our Discord down below, I read all comments there too)

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Comic 807 – Step down and up

Comic 807 – Step down and up

Hello my cookies! Yeah no. Astrid has all these doubts and she is just as down in the dumps as before. Having her insecurities laid bare, its just confirming what she already has in her head. This requires help and Hos already tried, right? Who else is gonna save the day? So, answer me this,…

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Comic 806 – Dream Replacement

Comic 806 – Dream Replacement

Hello my cookies! Man, I gave her a name similar to Karen, not with the intent to follow the meme of the nme “Karen”. But here I am, making her a character that comes to COMPLAIN to Astrid and her actions. So, answer me this, What complaints would YOU give to Karen about hers?

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Comic 805 – Clash of Sands

Comic 805 – Clash of Sands

Hello my cookies! Going to be honest, did not prepare very well for this page. One thing is to draw fighting poses like this, another is CLOTHES. I was thinking of having Astrid fight with the cloak on, that however would’ve blocked MOST of what was happening, so she straight up ditched it even though,…

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Comic 804 – Air Crossed

Comic 804 – Air Crossed

Hello my cookies! This page for me is sort of a self evaluation of how far this comic series has become. I look at this page and remember how cringe the first Astrid and Nelly fight was. I reckon many think Astrid is sort of a wimp, since we’ve never really seen her fight in…

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Comic 803 – Duel Veridiction

Comic 803 – Duel Veridiction

Hello my cookies! Starting to feel better. Currently I am more goo than man. However, I stooped by my desk and this page was somehow made. It was a fun page to make, it heralds something I’ve been wanting to draw for a while and I think you know what that would be. Either way,…

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Comic 802 – Fate to speech

Comic 802 – Fate to speech

Hi my cookies! I am back from vacay. I tried going to Chicago, however, storms thwarted me mid air and I was given a trip to Washington instead. Had loads of fun and learned about the US fanatics’ of Greek aesthetics. I have new energy, so here is a new page, enjoy! So, answer me…

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Comic 801 – Too mean and loud

Comic 801 – Too mean and loud

Hello my cookies! Thank you for waiting! Been saving and working on commissions lately for an expensive trip soon. Hope this page makes up for it! Poor Hos, in a persut to help Astrid, he kinda skipped the whole PURPOSE of getting out of Candy Cap Lane, having your local Dreamie away from music, however,…

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