Comic 780 – Prosecutor Missy part 05

Comic 780 – Prosecutor Missy part 05

Hello my cookies! Despite the prospect of having a dagger fall on her, Astrid could still not suppress the urge to squirm and fail to stay cool in the presence of music. She did try. However, she is volunteering to protect Hos and traverse Candy Cap Lane and its music. If they are intended to…

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Comic 779 – Prosecutor Missy part 04

Comic 779 – Prosecutor Missy part 04

Hello my cookies! I am back from hiatus! Sorted some last hiccups with my move at the start of the month and have a new schedule to even things up. Updates will resume as they used to, so thank you all those who commissioned me and got me some Ko-fis. As for the new website,…

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Comic 778 – Prosecutor Missy part 03

Comic 778 – Prosecutor Missy part 03

Hi my cookies! Apologies for the long delay. Currently moving at the end of the month and I am keeping real busy to cover for expenses of the move. I hope the wait was worth it and enjoyed the third part of this evil song into Astrid’s delusion. If you could, please consider donating something…

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Comic 777 – Prosecutor Missy part 02

Comic 777 – Prosecutor Missy part 02

Hello my cookies! Yes, like with the abstract song like framing I did with Sir Pen Tyne and Hos. Just remember, a pocket Astrid is a very useful friend to have, just don’t drop her, please. So, answer me this, What would you do with a pocket size Astrid?

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Comic 776 – Prosecutor Missy part 01

Comic 776 – Prosecutor Missy part 01

Hi my cookies! I said it once I will say it again, Disney villain like songs are a forgotten art, oddly enough, this one coming from a good guy being mean!Perhaps an ex villain or something? So, answer me this, What do you think of Missy as a character?

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Comic 775 – One Slip Up

Comic 775 – One Slip Up

Hi my cookies! Its been some time that I’ve rhymed, I am not good at it, I must be out of my mind! Yeah… not the best at it, so please, forgive and this page I joyfully GIVE! HA HA HA… flawless I GUESS. So, answer me this, Can you make a rhyme to help…

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Comic 774 – Expedited Test

Comic 774 – Expedited Test

Hi my cookies! Apologies for a Wednesday upload. This one was quite tricky to write, for how the steps to Apep need to be set up. In simple terms, I had to rewrite its name multiple times and think on its presentation in many different ways. However, here it is and I am happy with…

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Comic 773 – Scoot n Care

Comic 773 – Scoot n Care

Hello my cookies! It is reasonable to think that the rest of the group would trust Miss Mutt. Nelly however, is a bit more wary. Like it or not, she is small and more stubborn. So, answer me this, What do you think Nelly is thinking on that last panel?

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Comic 771 – Grinding Expectation

Comic 771 – Grinding Expectation

Hi my cookies! Happy 4th of July! For this holiday, I bring ya an overwhelmingly happy Pucho face.Seems that Hos is starting to learn a little how Astrid likes to be addressed. Half the battle with friends is learning their wants, needs and boundaries lie. SO, answer me this, Who in the series do you…

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