Comic 130 – The plan
Baker Notes
Hellows Gals n Lads!
WOO HOO! Its 2 am and IM TIRED!
you see, after my huge mess up
with last Friday, not even updating
a filler, I made it my mission
to give a good quality strip with
full backrounds… not like last
time which was emberrasingly lazy
and didnt add backrounds… just
color arks.
Also, Luna is in the cage cause
Tammy told her how to keep
Succube in check by putting
them in led cages AND cause
Pituka wasnt particulary
“confortable” with Luna
analizing her butt XD
PS: New layout time is a
disaster! so much to do yet
and so little time in collage.
Date of appearance yet to be
summarized :S sorry…
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