Comic 143 – Awesome Morphing

Comic 143 – Awesome Morphing

Baker Notes

Hellows and DAMN it my cookies!
Yes I am late again, but one day late aint
taht bad… or is it? if it is I am deeply
sorry and try my best next time to be on time.
Now a few details of this strip (not nagging
this time)
Luna can morph by absorving energy from
someone, in this case Pucho. And for those
who didnt get it, Luna morphed into a bunnie
to order the bunnies away from the
defenceless Pucho and get him through to
the other that are ahead… clear enough?
…good 🙂

Now, if there are any questions on how
Luna´s morphing ability works, just
press the button of comments and place
your questions, so that I can answer
these questions later.

And again, sorry for being late 🙁


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