Comic 868 – Hair n rewards

Comic 868 – Hair n rewards

Baker Notes

Hello my cookies!

Seems like the girls have reached an understanding. Take things slow, feel it out, see if it feels right. When it comes to the relationship with least amounts of screen time, these two had little to relate with. While Hos and Astrid connect with a sense of worth, Luna and Nelly can relate in how they feel about those closest to them.

So answer me this, How do you see these two hanging out as friends?


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Give them some time to cozy up together XD

So… Nelly has been confirmed as actually having feelings for Hos. Luna is shown to be not a monster, but a nosey friend. And neither of them died, all in all, I count this as a win. Although I still think she needs therapy, Hel, they all do… Well except Pucho, boy is happy go lucky spoon…

Hanging out? Tough call, they don’t have much in common, but perhaps it doesn’t have to be big things. Maybe just hanging around on the couch, watching tv and eating junk food. Maybe Nelly goes shopping with Luna? Maybe Luna hangs around Nelly’s workshop, the NON-TECH areas, mind you.

I might be biased, but I think Nelly would look cute with curls (⌓ωω⌓✿)

Last edited 2 months ago by Ms. PeachButt