Posts by thebaker
Comic 759 – Blue Packaged
Hi my cookies! Apologies for the brief hiatus there, had family from abroad and there were many last minute plans I poorly managed. Back though and ready for more! Please consider donating with the Pituka button below. So, answer me this, How did you reckon Hos could’ve gotten away with this one, considering what Astrid…
Read MoreComic 758 – Clogger
Hi my cookies! Humility is skill most do not see the value in and vanity is a blight on those who rise high enough to make their fall all the the more painful. I’m sure he’s gonna be okay, not like people sell second hand plungers. Please consider a donation with the Pituka button below.…
Read MoreComic 757 – Casual Flattery
Hi my cookies! Solving some personal things at the moment. I hope the delay was brief. As for Astrid, there is a reason why she keeps calling Hos “Master Tailor”, to her people, craftsmen are people of respect and renown. What higher honor than looking your best with the best uniform? As seen with her…
Read MoreComic 756 – Insta Clothed
Hi my cookies! Please a small donation with the Pituka button below. Astrid is from a zealot group, Hos’ behavior is not expected. For her him being there, make a question, would be interpreted as an observation, not him trying to “play it off” for Astrid is not the best as social ques like that…
Read MoreComic 755 – Hozzle
Hi my cookies! Hos… really? I know that you are an opportunist of sorts but she really needs to decompress. You thought you were being sneaky, but have you SEEN those LONG and POINTY ears?! That smug face, at least you got what you wanted? Please consider donating with the Pituka button at the bottom…
Read MoreComic 754 – Doored Switcheroo
Hi my cookies! When I have a lot to think about (like FFC plot for example) bath time is the best method I think to clear your head and think things through more clearly. One of the WORST thing is having someone interrupt your me time when you start to reach a state of chillax.…
Read MoreComic 753 – Chill Heat
Hi my cookies! A vary late update this week, the cold new weather of where I now live in has really done a number on me. All good, its mostly headaches related to harsh temperature changes to what I was used to in AZ. Fun to draw Nelly machines again, they had to be improvised…
Read MoreComic 752 – Digestive Calm
Hi my cookies! Happy new years everyone! Please excuse the sudden hiatus, I’ve been going through a rough patch as of late. I managed to feel a little better and get this page made for you all. I hope it was worth the wait. I can relate to Astrid so much here, sometimes a little…
Read MoreComic 751 – Help Requester
Hi my cookies! Please consider donating with the Pituka button below, Thank you! Apologies for the delay, have been going through personal hang ups as of late. As for what Hos is smoking, worry not, in Paws Den they don’t have access to tabacco, they would have to import it and that would be FAR…
Read MoreComic 750 – Clueless she
Hi my cookies! Please excuse he lack of page last week. Like I mentioned on Twitter and Discord group I’ve been going through some rough times. Had the time to make this page and I hope you enjoy it despite how sad a page it is. Poor Dark pupper, she is so used to having…
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