Posts by thebaker
Comic 388 – Fresh as it gets
Hellows my cookies! For those who still don’t know, if youvote for us down below, you’ll get themost adorable desktop pet EVER!PS: (He needs Java 32-bit to work)Also, there is a reason why his familylegacy is called “HumbleBottom” So, answer me this, of ALL the charactersin the series, who has the cutest design?
Read MoreComic 387 – Sweet Ramen
Poor Ulrick, to quote Wildstar, “At least your death will be in the name of science”. Not nearly as dramatic here but you get the idea. 😛 As for the question, Godiva Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt, it is like drugs to me 😛 Whenever I see it I have to get one, so few…
Read MoreComic 386 – Never seen them
Hellows my cookies! Well, for those who might be curious,Nelly’s mother invented the first snappingpicture machine… also metro, color TV,advance furnace systems…and many otherthings… her Dad… a cheerful blacksmith,who was a mute So, answer me this, Does Nelly’s parents seemlike they would of made good parents?
Read MoreComic 385 – The Countdown
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, a bit odd to THROW a jar from afarand not expect to hear SOME sort of “THUD”or something. I’ll take “splurge” even! So, answer me this, Should Dreamies STOPtheir pretentious nagging and get to thepoint? ALSO, check our Discord chat communityof fans and have fun! CLICK HERE TO MEET MORE FANS!!
Read MoreComic 384 – Humbly comply
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, why even ask at this point?Isn’t it the point that revels ingeneral are against you or your cause?Why ask them to change their opinion?especially with a personality as Nelly’s? SO, answer me this, Who of the characterswould make wonderful rebels and in whatway?
Read MoreComic 383 – Spray and Pray
Hellows my cookies! SO yeah, if provided in careful doses,the transformation can be painless… but,no matter how careful you are, it is STILLa poison to Lycans. So, answer me this, What is YOUR poison?
Read MoreComic 382 – I am a lemon
Hellows my cookies! Well, yeah, one would suspect that beingADDED animal qualities, would involvean increase of the senses. So, to goback on those, WOULD mean that you areas effective as a car running on Lemons XD So, answer me this, Who of the maincharacters is the weakest in “general”not just feats of strength, intelligence,speed, etc…
Read MoreComic 381 – Ass Wipe
Hellows my cookies! Well, if you HAD payed attention before,when the red Dreamie was recovering behindthe bushes, you might of noticed a BROWNhand beside her (details) So yeah, theygave poor Nelly a good DOZE of Wolfbane0.0 So, answer me this, How do you imaginethe human versions of each characterwould look like?
Read MoreComic 380 – Very Raspberry
Hellows my cookies! Ya know, I have seen plenty of art aroundthe Dream soldiers, apparently they are superfun to draw. I don’t blame ya, I enjoy to draw them too 😉 So, answer me this, of the alternate typesof Lycan (Silver Fang and Dream Soldiers)Who do you like best and why?
Read MoreComic 379 – Ruffling my nerves
Hellows my cookies! I do enjoy seeing Dream Soldiers not gettheir way, their traditions and honorbound behavior makes them too easy to foil XDLike a red barrel in a shooter game …You must take a shot at it! So, answer me this, Who would youfoil of the characters?
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