Posts by thebaker
Comic 299 – Stinker
Hellows my cookies! Yup, very happy on the lack of fillers!So moving on is the key! more content,more story, more PERVY! I’ll keep emcoming π So, answer me this, Which are the momentsyou look forward to the most in the series?
Read MoreComic 298 – Busted
Hellows my cookies! Enough said, not much to ponder πstill on good schedule, so wonderful So, answer me this, Who of the maincharacters has the best job?
Read MoreComic 297 – Is that better
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, a day late, but I did say I wouldskip a new year filler to give ya content,since my situations have left a lot tocatch up on. And this strip IS kinda biggerthan usual. By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR MY COOKIES!I have a lot prepared for this year,making strips are becoming…
Read MoreComic 296 – The drag smells
Hellows my cookies! Yup, we all kinda suspected it would happenat some point, but it did happen, Pervydisguised as a female. It was gonna happensooner or later… Also, there won’t bea new years filler, just a regular strip,since I have a lot to catch up on, I oweya π So, answer me this, How good…
Read MoreComic 295 – Emotions flying by
Hellows and I’m back my cookies! Yeah, back on track and double weekly bites!So, we move on and keep on advancing,trying real hard to make the series BETTER,so, saving money to buy SUPER drawing gear,so, new great things on the … as soon asI get the money XD So, answer me this, If the main…
Read MoreComic 294 – The Silver Forest
Hellows my cookies! Yeah, a day late… but It was for a goodreason, I finally finished the animationI’m doing, all it needs is to put it alltogether and add the credits and we’regolden! So things are going just as schedulefor this 18, which is also the final dayof the fanart contest! So if you wanna…
Read MoreComic 293 – Merged
Hellows my cookies! Yeah… this kinda explains a few things,but hey, there is much to assume! Anyway, Iwanna thank all those who are okay with allthe inconveniences the animation I’m doingis causing and have been very cool with it So, answer me this, which character’s storyof the main cast do you like best?
Read MoreComic 292 – They just wanted a brew
Hellows my cookies! Don’t FORGET, fanart contest is until the16 of December! Come on, join the fun,contest details are ALL on the previousstrip, so click on the “previews” button. So yeah, Pucho’s good intentions are hisnature, but how far can one go when yourlife is in the gutter? So, answer me this, If you could…
Read MoreComic 291 – Days of misery pt2
Hellows my cookies! A little secret, I spent some EXTRA time onthis strip, you see, I’m really in the zonesince I’ve been drawing non stop lately, so,I got carried away a tad… I shouldn’t,It took me twice the time to make this one.If I got paid for doing this, I would tobetter and more often.…
Read MoreComic 290 – Days of misery
Hellows my cookies! As promised, a strip today… although nottwo, for I had to work a few things here andthere, but I intend to do the other tomorrow.So I hope you enjoy this look back at Pucho’sdays as a human… or as DANTE PS: If you can, look at the name of thecigarettes on Boris…
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