Comic 770 – Proper Volunteering

Comic 770 – Proper Volunteering

Hi my cookies! You were correct in assuming Astrid would be the best option for this task. However, poor Astrid does not believe this to be true if it weren’t for the circumstances alone. Besides, she owes Hos for being a good friend in keeping her self confidence higher… or there is more reason than…

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Comic 769 – No Pulun

Comic 769 – No Pulun

Hi my cookies! Finally, I am back! Lots to do with the new website assets, personal stuff and being a dungeon master. I appreciate the wait! Hopefully this week I have more time to make the next page. This page was a challenge, since I had to balance info and not have it be a…

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Comic 768 – Un Planner

Comic 768 – Un Planner

Hi my cookies! I managed to get it ready this week! Working on so many things, I never learn. This one really made me giggle to draw so I stayed until really late to get it ready for ya, I hope you like it. 🙂 So, answer me this, If you would have one of…

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Comic 767 – Hel Exclaimed

Comic 767 – Hel Exclaimed

Hi my cookies! Thank you for the patience! This page was fun to make, drawing blue cube’s expressions are always fun! So, answer me this, How bad do you think the letter is?

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Comic 766 – You’re not employed

Comic 766 – You’re not employed

Hi my cookies! Hopefully, this butler is not the type to gossip about fellows employees to their boss… hopefully. What kind of job is this? SO, answer me this, In the series, Who do you think is the most sinister character?

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Comic 765 – Come early

Comic 765 – Come early

Hi my cookies! Finally back from my brief hiatus there. Many types of paperwork were needed in the last couple of weeks. However, now I can return to drawing more calmly. I hope you like this page and all the little “subtle threats” hidden in the butlers polite wording. So, answer me this, What do…

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Comic 764 – Snake’s orders

Comic 764 – Snake’s orders

Hello my cookies! A late update I’m afraid. Managed to get it done for this week. Once the project is complete, this should return to normal scheduling. On the topic of the butler, he kinda reminds me of a sort of “agent” who is very “bold” and has a sort of “serious” demeanor. With his…

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Comic 763 – Blueberry Pop

Comic 763 – Blueberry Pop

Hi my cookies! Leave it to Astrid to be very poor at charades. Makes sense though, she wants to keep a sharp ear on this guy… but is she aware that he is too? As for Luna, you can tell that she can only go so far to help the situation without talking. Please consider…

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Comic 762 – Leave Flicker

Comic 762 – Leave Flicker

Hi my cookies! For those who speak with their hands, I hope you can identify with the frustration of trying to communicate when words fail you. In this case, poor Luna has to rely with expression alone, the threat at the door, tall, formal and fluffy threat. Please consider donating with the Pituka button below.…

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Comic 761 – Keen Butler

Comic 761 – Keen Butler

Hi my cookies! Working still on the project. I’ll do what I can to organize my time better so I can divide my time better with the comic. Hopefully, the project will be quite a treat for the comic. (The project is for the comic) I do not know much of the hearing capacity of…

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