Comic 740 – Pin to pointer

Comic 740 – Pin to pointer

Hi my cookies! Sometimes, a little tough love can go a long way. The key is to make sure that caring is fundamental to your intentions. Pituka’s puffy face and piercing glare are mostly effective cause of how disarming they are. You’re simply not ready for it when it hits you. Also, not even Pituka’s…

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Comic 739 – Mom Crackdown

Comic 739 – Mom Crackdown

Hi my cookies! Took a while to make that big panel. I wanted to visualize how Pituka’s yelling “BROKE” the fight they were having. I know it is kinda obvious, I’m just happy to try these visual indications in comic form 🙂 So, answer me this, What other names do you think Pituka should try…

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Comic 738 – Nurtured and discarded

Comic 738 – Nurtured and discarded

Hi my cookies! This page surprised me a little… I had an intention behind the message behind it and a few unsaid motives going on with the imagery. However, once I saw the whole page made… I kinda chocked a little, noticing how strong the emotions can be for these characters, based on what they’ve…

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Comic 737 – Fade Retrospect

Comic 737 – Fade Retrospect

Hi my cookies! I am feeling better now. Got over feeling really lousy for a while… turns out, I was drinking spoiled coffee without noticing!Regardless, the blight is over and I could finish this page. This one is another emotion fueled page, showing a little of howeach character feels on their own grievances, by trying…

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Comic 736 – Bum Tradition

Comic 736 – Bum Tradition

Hi my cookies! Regardless of what you may think, the grass will always look greener to someone else, one way or another. This intervention might seem very reasonable, however, its meaning goes much deeper for those who know where Hos is coming from to say that. So, answer me this, What do you think of…

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Comic 735 – What it like

Comic 735 – What it like

Hi my cookies! This page was a very ambitious page, took me ages to finish. So much emotional weight behind it all. One thing I struggled to make feel right is my own phobia of being barked at, to freeze in the moment and feel that dread. Also, very delicate how to convey Nelly just…

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Comic 734 – Simply Complicated

Comic 734 – Simply Complicated

Hi my cookies! Was is it that when I plan to get a page on time because they are simple pages, here I go and give them a gimmick so that I take WAY longer to complete? Either way, I think this page is all the better for it and much more than it was…

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Comic 733 – Obscured Desire

Comic 733 – Obscured Desire

Hi my cookies! I took a long time with this one. Lots of redraws and rewrites with what’s displayed here. A lot is said here without a word being said, its important to be as clear with its meaning as possible and hope it is not misunderstood. I just hope nothing in particular is missed,…

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Comic 731 – Checklist Checklist

Comic 731 – Checklist Checklist

Hi my cookies! Apologies in advance, had my second vaccine on Monday and it cut my productivity to a grinding halt. I thought that since I already went through the first one the second wouldn’t be as strong as before. I was SO wrong. Well, I am fully back to operating order, please get vaccinated…

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