Comic 829 – Blowdown Pride

Comic 829 – Blowdown Pride

Hello my cookies! Yeah… Hard to bounce back when you were very close to falling off a building. He could’ve survived it, Lycans are VERY sturdy, however, the danger was VERY real as well. Hos tends to be the moral support… but what happens he needs support? So, answer me this, How would you punish…

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Comic 827 – A bite out of you

Comic 827 – A bite out of you

Hello my cookies! Yeah, Hos went full on feral on that ear. Less we forget, Hos is a canine, with a good ol set of FANGS himself. Luckily, Astrid took the opening and with no air shenanigans, it seems to be a BULLSEYE strike! So, answer me this, Are you proud of Hos or disgusted?

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Comic 826 – Close and Clearer

Comic 826 – Close and Clearer

Hello my cookies! I am done helping my friend with his move! It took forever, we planned it poorly and I had to wrap up a ton of it once he left. Either way, I got some cool stuff leftover, so I think it was worth it. His dog is happy, so it was victory…

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Comic 825 – Dangle the Dog

Comic 825 – Dangle the Dog

Hello my cookies! Real quick, my laptop has been glitching up as of late, so production shall be delayed somewhat this month until I can get it fixed or replaced.Other than that, I hope this page was worth the wait, real happy with the intensity and expressions. It only dawned one me, how silly a…

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Comic 824 – Dark Air Time

Comic 824 – Dark Air Time

Hello my cookies! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Slight delay due to new years. I managed to get this done today with what little time I got, had to make air Astrid welcome the year!Many things are on the docket, mainly concerning the new website, that is 98% ready. Planning to make some merch and hopefully a…

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Comic 823 – Flight Ace

Comic 823 – Flight Ace

Hello my cookies! I hope you all had a very merry CHRISTMAS! It was a very wholesome time for me and looking forward to the new year!Thank you for waiting, unlike Hos, who isn’t to being drained by a borderline vampire with a pirate accent. So, answer me this, How would you hurt the big…

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Comic 822 – Skip catch up

Comic 822 – Skip catch up

Hello my cookies! Apologies for the delay. Cut my finger while cooking. Been a bit unpleasant to draw for a few days. I mustered through and got this one done.Loved doing the hobbo, otherwise, Astrid’s ascension would’ve been quite drool. So, answer me this, if you were a citizen Lycan of Paws Den, What would…

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Comic 821 – Air Type

Comic 821 – Air Type

Hello my cookies! Dog sitting duty is finally over! MAN, I was SO craving to draw again, I got this page made SO early! You can do wonders when a dog isn’t staring at you non stop for attention and wanting to go to the doggy park 3 times a day or otherwise it pees…

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Comic 820 – Give Cooties

Comic 820 – Give Cooties

Hello my cookies! Last week of dog sitting. I regret that this page did not get the love I usually give these but I do not want another delayed week. Plus, I couldn’t wait to put this joke out there. Can’t wait to not have a dog waking me up every morning. Not a morning…

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