Comic 800 – Shut it up

Comic 800 – Shut it up

Hello my cookies! Apologies for the lack of updates for the last 2 weeks. Last mentioned prior, I have a big trip soon I must save for and I’ve been doing a ton of odd jobs to save for it. Due to some generous donors, I was able to get this page done sooner and…

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Comic 799 – Hush now now

Comic 799 – Hush now now

Hello my cookies! Good news and bummer news. On the good side, allergies are diminishing and I can go out with less turmoil when I get home! On the bummer side, I have a LOT to catch up on since I’ve had to delay a lot of things due to me being a half vegetable…

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Comic 798 – Musical Beat Buildup

Comic 798 – Musical Beat Buildup

Hello my cookies! Only a few more weeks until allergy season is done and I can have my eyes back! Had fun drawing this page, finally a Kroaker is front and center in a scene and I love these little critters in Paws Den. Lycans don’t have dogs or cats, its like if people had…

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Comic 797 – Bluey Life Wisdom

Comic 797 – Bluey Life Wisdom

Hello my cookies! Just a few more weeks until spring ends! For NOW, the uploads will remain weekly, returning to the Monday day uploads will take a while until I recover from the very strong allergy season I am having at the moment. I use whatever time I have to make the pages when I…

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Comic 796 – All in Loopholes

Comic 796 – All in Loopholes

Hello my cookies! Man, still feeling awful, especially when the weekly updates are still up in the air for the time being. HOWEVER, I had WAY too much fun making this page! I spent all energy I had left this week on this one and “MUACK” LOVED how it turned out! Hope it was worth…

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Comic 795 – Shoosh n Game

Comic 795 – Shoosh n Game

Hi my cookies! Still on the allergy grind. Had a lots of fun with this page. SO much dialogue that in the end, it is better to let the moment play out rather than point out the obvious. What is the point of showing this before if I have to explain it again? Seems there…

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Comic 794 – Not the Secret

Comic 794 – Not the Secret

Hi my cookies! Apologies for the 2 pages I’ve been able to make for the last month. My allergies became worse and worse. I’ve been struggling to find time to be productive and not resting while on medication that drains my energy big time. I am hoping that the season ends soon and I can…

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Comic 793 – Vain the Sorceress

Comic 793 – Vain the Sorceress

Hello my cookies! Good news, after many days of little sleep, my pet Dotty is showing recovery signs and eating again. It took me all day today to complete this tendril filled page. Even if Seraphina is smug about not being able to disclose Luna’s secrets, the Queen care not one way or another for…

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Comic 792 – Fair Clause

Comic 792 – Fair Clause

Hello my cookies! Allergies are here and the search for medication to keep it in check begins. Apologies once again for the delay, been getting harder and harder to find energy to finish these very detailed pages on time. Regardless, I have prevailed and the Queen is looking at me in disappointment. I can feel…

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Comic 791 – Pick it up

Comic 791 – Pick it up

Hello my cookies! Apologies for another big delay. Been quite busy as of late and getting worse. Even worse, my seasonal allergies have arrived and I have half the energy to complete these light/shaded pages on time. Doing a bit of planning to compensate for how busy I’ll be next week. So we can see…

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